DRAFT DRAFT HOW TO SET UP A NEW FREE WHEREBY.COM ACCOUNT: Aaron Sloman http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axs Advice offered freely and used at your own risk, without any guarantees from me. It's possible that the procedure will change at some time without my knowledge. I found a lot of online introductory video tutorials but they all gave too much information and/or were too non-specific (e.g. talking about all available options instead of only the free option). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTING UP/REGISTERING Use this link in your browser (e.g. firefox, opera, etc.) https://whereby.com/user/signup You'll have to give your email address so that they can send you information about changes, etc., and also use it for security checks. You will also have to tick the box to accept the terms of service. [It's up to you whether you want to read the terms. I once read the terms when everything was simpler several years ago, and haven't bothered to read them again!] You also have the option to tick the box to accept news and information from whereby.com. It may be a good idea to start with that turned ON: you can disable it later. SO, tick the box labelled: I wish to receive news, tips and offers from Whereby. Click 'Select options' to get the options available for newcomers. Then perhaps select only these two: Keep me up-to-date with news and new features at Whereby. Yes Help me get more out of Whereby by sending me tips based on how I use Whereby. Yes If you don't like getting news and tips you can later turn them off. In my experience those messages are not frequent. Select 'No' for special offers. Then click on 'Continue' and follow instructions. Once you have it set up there are a lot of online tutorials demonstrating things you can do, but you may not need them, if you have already experienced use of whereby.com set up by someone else. It can also be used on a mobile phone, but that requires installing a whereby app on the phone, and of course it won't be as good as having a full screen. I've never tried it on a mobile phone. I have no idea how it deals with four simultaneous users. If you do set up your own room you'll be able to invite friends to a meeting without requiring them to go through the setting up process. Good Luck!