Title: Varieties of affect and learning in a complete human-like
Aaron Sloman
The University of Birmingham, UK.
The slides are avalailable at
Recent research on different layers in an integrated architecture, using
differing forms of representation, different types of mechanisms, and
different information, to provide different functional capabilities,
suggests a way of thinking about classes of possible architectures (the
CogAff schema), tentatively proposed as a framework for comparing and
contrasting designs for complete systems. An exceptionally rich special
case of the schema, H-Cogaff, incorporating diverse concurrently active
components, layered not only centrally but also in its perceptual and
action mechanisms, seems to accommodate many features of human mental
functioning, explaining how our minds relate to many different aspects of
our biological niche. This architecture allows for more varieties of
learning and development than are normally considered, and also for more
varieties of affective states, including different kinds of pleasures,
pains, motives, evaluations, preferences, attitudes, moods, and emotions,
differing according to which portions of the architecture are involved,
what their effects are within that and other portions of the architecture,
what sorts of information they are concerned with, and how they effect
external behaviour. These ideas have implications both for applications of
AI (e.g. in digital entertainments, or in the design of learning
environments), and for scientific theories about human minds and brains.
Here's a sketch of H-Cogaff
For more on these ideas see these talks
And the
Cognition and Affect project
Relevant paper
Last updated: 9 Apr 2003