For preliminary abstracts of talks see The Abstracts directory.
9.00 Symposium registration, welcome, and introduction by A.Sloman
* Models of models of minds (short).
9.30 Stan Franklin, University of Memphis
* A "Consciousness" Based Architecture for a Functioning Mind
10.00 Brian Logan, University of Nottingham
* A design study for an AFP (Attention Filter Penetration) architecture
10.30-11 BREAK (and posters)
11.00 Keith Oatley, University of Toronto
* Shakespeare's invention of theatre as a simulation that runs on minds
11.30 Joanna Bryson, MIT
* Making Modularity Work: Combining Memory Systems and
Intelligent Processes in a Dialog Agent
12.00 Discussion
12.30-2.00 LUNCH
2.00 Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Metropolitan University
* Towards Implementing Free Will
2.30 Matthias Scheutz, University of Notre Dame
* Behavioral States: Linking Functional and Physical Descriptions
3.00 Pentti Haikonen, Nokia Research Center
* An Artificial Mind via Cognitive Modular Neural Architecture
3.30-4 BREAK (and posters)
NOTE: timing of remaining Monday sessions liable to change
4.00 Discussion, then
4.30 Special guest speaker (shared with Creativity Symposium):
* David Lodge, Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature,
University of Birmingham
5.30 BREAK (with refreshments in Aston Webb Building)
7.00 Plenary talk:
* Marvin Minsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Future Models for Mind-Machines
9.30 John Fox, Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories
* Making a mind: a cognitive engineering approach
10.00 John Barnden, University of Birmingham
* Simulating simulating minds, metaphorically speaking
10.30-11 BREAK (and posters)
11.00 Darryl Davis, University of Hull
* Minds have personalities - Emotion is the core
11.30 David Glasspool, Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL
* The Integration and control of behaviour: Insights from
neuroscience and AI
12.00 Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski, Typographics, Ltd. Jerusalem
* A blueprint for a mind by a categorical commutative diagram
12.30-2. LUNCH
2.00 Carl Frankel, Organizational Measurement and Engineering
and Rebecca Ray, San Francisco State University
* Emotion, intention and the control architecture of adaptively
competent information processing.
2.30 William Clocksin, University of Cambridge
* A Narrative Architecture for Functioning Minds: A Social
Constructionist Approach
3.00 Discussion
3.30-4 BREAK
4.00 Posters
4.30-5.30 Discussion then close
6.30 Plenary talk:
* Geoffrey Hinton, University College London
* How to train a community of stochastic generative models
Frederic Alexandre, "Inspiration from Neurosciences to emulate Cognitive Tasks at different Levels of Time"
Steve Allen "A Concern-centric Society-of-Mind approach to Mind Design"
Christoph Benzmueller, Mateja Jamnik,
Manfred Kerber, and Volker Sorge
Resource Guided Concurrent Deduction
Stevo Bozinovski and Liljana Bozinovska, "Architecture of Mind Considering Integration of Genetic, Neural, and Hormonal System"
Marcin Chady "Can we model the mind with its own products?"
Jim Cunningham "Towards an Axiomatic Theory of Consciousness"
Kerstin Dautenhahn "Design issues of Biological and Robotic "Minds" (What are minds for? The evolutionary perspective)."
Ben Goertzel, Ken Silverman, Cate Hartley, Stephan Bugaj, and Mike Ross "The Baby Webmind Project"
Catriona Kennedy "Reflective Architectures for Survival: Bridging the Gap between Philosophy and Engineering"
Stefan Kuenzell "Learning the basics"
Andres Perez-Uribe "Of implementing neural epigenesis, reinforcement learning, and mental rehearsal in a mobile atuonomous robot"
Takafumi Tsuchiya, "Functions for the management of valuable goals: Goal scheduling and action mode switching done by an autonomous agent on the basis of situational urgency."
For more details see the abstracts.
See the main convention web site: